Don’t Let Emotions Screw Up Your Decisions – Harvard Business Review

Think about a time you were weighing an important decision at work or considering a big expense such as a buying a house, making a hefty financial investment, or a starting a new business. Such decisions are inherently complex, and — no matter how much experience we have making them — working through the pros and cons of each choice can be overwhelming. Our emotional reactions to these choices may be useful in directing our attention and energy toward what we feel are the most important aspects of the decision. Yet intense emotions may lead us to make misguided decisions or outright disastrous ones.

The Three Component Model of Commitment: Improving Commitment and Engagement – Mind Tools

Have you ever thought about why people might become emotionally committed to your organization?

Some people are committed to their jobs because they love what they do, or because their goals align with those of the company. Others might stay because they fear what they could lose if they leave. Still others might stay because they feel obligated to the company, or to their manager.

Clearly, some of these types of commitment can have a negative effect on a person’s well-being, self-respect, and job satisfaction. So, how can you avoid this, but still help team members feel committed to your team, or organization, in a positive way?

In this article we’ll explore three common types of commitment, and we’ll look at how you can make changes to improve team member engagement and loyalty in an effective and positive way.

Personal SWOT Analysis: Making the Most of Your Talents and Opportunities – Mind Tools

You are most likely to succeed in life if you use your talents to their fullest extent. Similarly, you’ll suffer fewer problems if you know what your weaknesses are, and if you manage these weaknesses so that they don’t matter in the work you do.

So how you go about identifying these strengths and weaknesses, and analyzing the opportunities and threats that flow from them? SWOT Analysis is a useful technique that helps you do this.

What makes SWOT especially powerful is that, with a little thought, it can help you uncover opportunities that you would not otherwise have spotted. And by understanding your weaknesses, you can manage and eliminate threats that might otherwise hurt your ability to move forward.

If you look at yourself using the SWOT framework, you can start to separate yourself from your peers, and further develop the specialized talents and abilities you need to advance your career.


Managing Caregivers: Respecting the “Sandwich Generation” – Mind Tools

When we think of caregiving, we might picture mothers and their young children, but that’s quite a narrow view.

Today’s workers are turning into the “Sandwich Generation” because they are caught in the middle, caring for the needs of both their elders and their children or grandchildren. Women and almost as many men are juggling the ride to school for Junior with the hospital appointment for Mom and the project for the boss.

In this article, you’ll learn why it’s important to consider the needs of the caregivers on your team, and how their multiple roles might impact their and their co-workers’ work, both positively and negatively. We’ll also give you some practical tips for making your workplace more inclusive and productive.


Strategy Is About Both Resources and Positioning – Harvard Business Review

Anyone taking the time to delve into the literature of strategy quickly realizes that there are two fiercely opposed camps.

In the red corner we have the “positioning school” (TPS) and in the white we have the “resource-based view of the firm” (RBV). Michael Porter is credited with (or more often accused of) creating TPS in 1980—positing that a firm should think about positioning itself in its industry in a way that enables it to achieve competitive advantage.