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From Innovation To Adoption: Successfully Spreading Surgical Innovation: Royal College of Surgeons (RCS)

This report warns that failure to adopt new surgical techniques quickly into everyday clinical practice means NHS patients are missing out on ground-breaking new procedures. It sets out the factors that have helped and hindered the adoption of new surgical techniques in England and seeks to address how to progress the uptake of surgical innovations in a practical way, eradicating delay to ensure their benefits are realised by patients as quickly as possible.

NHS 2014 to 2015 Choice framework – Department of Health

The framework brings together information about patients’ rights to choice about their health care, where to get more information to help make a choice, and how they can complain if they have not been offered choice.

The 2014 to 2015 version reflects changes to expansions of patients’ rights to choice in the areas of:

  • general practice
  • mental health
  • personal health budgets

The NHS Choice Framework will be updated annually, as choice rights expand to new services and patient groups.