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Meeting The Challenge: Successful Employee Engagement In The NHS – Involvement & Participation Association

This report is based on case studies of employee engagement at eight high performing NHS Trusts. It identifies the approach and interventions associated with high levels of engagement, and provides some recommendations for trusts looking to drive up engagement. It concludes that only through effectively engaging with employees will the NHS be able to meet the challenges it faces in coming years.

Is It Just Me?: Exploring Dilemmas and Choices in Organizational Design – The Tavistock Institute

Presentation that outlines Fiddy Abraham’s (oscillating) theory-in-use and improvisation in a set of case studies in inter-organizational cross-sectoral design undertaken between 2005 and 2008 in similar settings. Different approaches, including socio-technical systems design, conversational enquiry, and others were foregrounded in different settings and this enquiry sets out to explore what drove those choices, in the system and in the scholarly practice of the consultant.

NHS must focus on health, care and compassion – Kate Granger – NHS England Blog Post

NHS England blog post calling for a move towards an NHS where caring is valued more and staff are given more time to care. I want a culture where the little things really matter and are expressed by everyone from hospital porter to Medical Director.

Compassion has become extremely fashionable in recent times and is perhaps most noticeable when it is absent. Creating a compassion friendly environment would, in my opinion, include adequate staffing levels, time for personal development and rewarding positive behaviours.

CASE STUDY: Shared Values, A Value Based Training Practice programme for Health Care Assistants and Support Workers – Workforce Information Network

The recent reports of both Francis (2013) and Cavendish (2013) set out a requirement to develop training and educational pathways for all health care assistants and support staff. A code of conduct for support staff has also been developed by Skills for Health and Skills for Care (March 2013) as part of its response to the Francis enquiry.

This paper describes a training and practice programme ‘Shared Values’. The aim of the programme is for participants to develop an understanding of the values and attitudes which must underpin practice and to ensure that these values are apparent to service users and their families.