All posts by Laura Sims

Improving Postgraduate Medical Training Through The Adoption Of Better Training Better Care – NHS Employers

This briefing aims to demonstrate to board members how using innovative solutions in medical education can help to improve quality of care and patient safety and can also make cost savings. Employers, educational supervisors and trainees will want to look at the successes of the pilots and consider which of the pilots might be suitable for local adoption, or whether other innovative solutions in education and training could lead to similar successes.

When Not to Treat a Colleague as You’d Want to Be Treated – Harvard Business Review

Roger was a young rising star. He had always been successful, and prided himself on his brains, speed, and ability to deliver impressive results. His company had just appointed him to take over a troubled country operation in Latin America. He did a brilliant job turning things around financially. But he then got completely stymied by a group of angry employees who started a covert revolution in the ranks — and almost succeeded in getting him fired.

Developing a Career Strategy – Mind Tools

Some people think that the development of their career is out of their hands. After all, you can’t get a job, promotion, or project without someone else giving it to you, right?

Well, on one level, that’s true. However, what you do and how far you go in life is in reality up to one person: you. Great careers don’t just happen – if you want a career that excites and challenges you, then you need to plan for it.

In this article, we’ll outline a common-sense approach that you can use to think about how to reach your full potential in your career.

How can the NHS become better at change? – The Health Foundation

The NHS Forward View sets out a clear vision for change. So we know what needs to be done, but do we truly know how to support the NHS to make this happen? We look at the key recommendations from our work on how the NHS can strengthen its ability to change.,37ISS,EREAL1,BHNJI,1

Unpicking common perceptions of the NHS – Nuffield Trust

With the election just weeks away and the NHS named as a number one issue for voters, it’s more important than ever that the healthcare debate is informed by evidence. But it is common for conversations about healthcare to be led by certain myths and assumptions.

For the last several weeks and in the run up to the election, in a series called ‘Fact or Fiction?’, experts from the Nuffield Trust give their take on the data and evidence behind some of the current perceptions of what is happening with the NHS. Topics covered so far include social care, targets, managers and the Welsh NHS.

Ben-Shahar’s Happiness Model: Finding the Right Path to Happiness – Mind Tools

Many people are raised with the belief that if you get good grades in school, get a degree from a good university, and then secure a good job, then you’ll be happy. Sounds pretty familiar, right?

The problem is that, sometimes, this approach to life doesn’t make people happy. Sure, they might have a wonderful family, a good job and a lovely home, but they are still dissatisfied with life and are searching for something else. No matter how hard they work, or how much money they earn, they still feel unfulfilled.

However, when we experience true happiness, our life takes on a joyful luster and vividness. We’re fulfilled and productive in what we do, we accomplish our goals, and our lives have meaning and purpose.

So how can we find this type of happiness? According to Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar, leading researcher and author of the book “Happier,” we need to learn how to live for today and for tomorrow at the same time. Only when we find the right balance can we achieve our goals, and live the life we’ve always imagined.

In this article, we’ll explore Tal Ben-Shahar’s Happiness Model, and explain how you can use the model to bring more happiness to your own life.

Using Affirmations: Harnessing Positive Thinking – Mind Tools

Many of us have negative thoughts like these, sometimes on a regular basis. When we have these thoughts, our confidence, mood and outlook become negative too.

The problem with these negative thoughts is that they can be self-fulfilling. Inside our heads, we talk ourselves into believing that we’re not good enough. And, because of this, these thoughts drag down our personal lives, our relationships, and our careers. This is why consciously doing the opposite – using positive affirmations – can be helpful. In this article, we’ll explore how you can use affirmations to drive positive change, both in your career, and in your life in general.