Hospital archive digitisation project

Organisation:  Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Project Team: Eileen Hume, Head of Trust Integrated Library Service, offered archiving and local history expertise, supervised the project. Team of WUTH Library Assistants, scanned the photos and saved them on to the local network drive.

Description of product/service:  An Access database of nearly 300 digitised images taken from historical photographs and documents from former hospitals that now comprise Wirral University Teaching Hospital (WUTH) NHS Foundation Trust, dating back to the early 20th century. This project digitised archive items of former hospital sites that now comprise WUTH and was limited to a manageable number (293) of items due to staffing availability and timescales.

Resources required:

  • Resources – archive collection comprising photographs, newspaper clippings and other items.
  • People – a Library Assistant to scan and save the images. A Librarian to create the Access database.  A Library Manager to supervise the project.
  • Time – time needed to be put aside to create the Access database, collate and sort the existing archive material, plan the project, scan the items, then display the resulting images as part of the NHS 60th anniversary celebrations.
  • Expertise / skills – archiving expertise was provided by the Head of Trust Integrated Library Service. Skills required to use the scanner and Access database.

 Timeframe:  June – Sept 2008

Alignment to Local, Regional and National Objectives: Commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the NHS

  • Trust Marketing Plan
  • Trust Communications Strategy
  • Trust Public engagement strategy
  • Trust Knowledge Management strategy
  • Corporate memory
  • Commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the NHS
  • HCLU position statement on historical archive documents.
  • Head of Trust Integrated Library Service named regional expert on local history archiving
  • Hill Review
  • Lifelong learning
  • Darzi framework:
  • Public engagement

Intended outcome for customer / organisation / library: Complete digitised collection of photographs

Next steps: None

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