Data Interpretation for Medical Students, 3rd ed.

Author: Hamilton P and Bickle I
Pages: 512p.
Format: Epub
Publisher: Pastest, 21 Nov. 2017
eISBN-13: 978-1784140007

Demystify the analysis of clinical data and test your knowledge with 200 cases. The third edition of this award-winning title has been revised and updated to provide even better guidance on how data is applied in practice. Fourteen subject-based chapters help medical students to understand and interpret the tests that help diagnose disease and monitor patient progress. Each chapter is accompanied by a useful summary and advice on exam technique.



Supercharged Teams: 30 tools of great teamwork

Author: Hamilton P. Pages: 247 Format: PDF
Publisher: Pearson Education
eISBN-13: 978-1292334660

Great teamwork is crucial for any high performing team, but being in a team is harder than ever before. Work is faster, leaner and more digital, and teamwork can be last on our list of priorities. Supercharged Teams will boost the way your team works together, whether you lead a team or belong to one.
With 30 powerful tools for teamwork, supercharge your team to:
•Reset your team to work better together
•Adapt your team to new challenges, whether they are in the same office, working remotely or collaborating across different departments, organisations and locations
•Learn from high performing teams across the world with case studies and examples
•Develop the skills and approaches that work effectively in today’s working environment